Printing in green

We have been printing in golden color for quite some time now - it was time to try something new

green printingWe received a roll of filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more for our new printer. The color of it was random and we got a green one. It is even greener than it looks on the picture - almost neon green.

Naturally we cannot use it for anything we want to sell, because of the violent color. So we are using it to print things for our usage. We printed parts of the Hogwarts house from it (it is nearly done, by the way); we are experimenting with H0 model printing with it; printed our planned house and so on.

We are not satisfied with its quality. It is interesting, because when we first tried this type of filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more - a golden one, of course - we were very proud of the result. It was much better than the previous one. But now, we are using PLA from a different distibutor, which is much better. The result with this filamentThis is the plastic which is used as a source for the printRead more is so hairy we spend quite some time to clean the objects.

Fortunately we are at the end of the roll, so we will be back to the golden one soon with both of our printers. But we definetly want to try other colors - maybe even a transparent one - later, but not from this distributor.

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